CED Solutions is proud of its continuous training with the Armed Forces of the United States throughout CONUS, Alaska and Hawaii, Japan, Germany, Middle East, and other locations. We are also exceptionally proud of the fine service being provided by our servicemen and women everywhere.
We provide onsite training at Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, and Coast Guard installations around the globe. Our Certification Boot Camps provide in depth training and certification to active duty personnel and provides the opportunity to utilize the Montgomery GI Bill with the Veterans Administration.
CED honors our Armed Forces by offering our Certification Training Boot Camps at no charge to the children of Medal of Honor recipients and to children of servicemen and women who have died in the service of our country due to combat injuries suffered while "in country".
We offer training to disabled service personnel through the Vocational Rehabilitation training offered by the Veterans Administration.
CED Solutions is one of the very first (if not the first) training company to provide training under the new Accelerated Payment plan of the Montgomery GI Bill through the Veterans Administration starting in October 2002. The Montgomery GI Bill will pay for approximately one-half of the total cost of the programs which we offer. Your GI Bill benefits expire in ten years, so use the benefits for your training early.
There is a $250 discount in price for all members of the Armed Services for two-week courses, and a $125 discount in price for all members of the Armed Services for one-week courses.
There is a multiple student discount for several students attending the same course or similar courses who register at the same time. The discount is $100 per student for a two-week course and $50 per student for a one-week course.
Certification Assured!
While attending most of our certification courses, over 80% receive their certification during the course. Should you not pass an exam, you have extra test vouchers, and you may re-attend the same boot camp one additional time at no charge, other than transportation and lodging if required, for up to one year.
All of our Certification Boot Camps include hands-on instruction, lodging (your own room with kitchen), transportation to and from the hotel to the training center, refreshments and snacks, all course materials, practice exams, and all certification exams (with extra test vouchers, only if needed), breakfast and lunch daily.