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MCAD/MCSD .NET Certification

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Microsoft Gold Partner

Microsoft .NET is Microsoft's platform for creating and using Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based Web services. This platform will enable developers to create programs that transcend device boundaries and harness the connectivity of the Internet, as well as help them be more productive with their time. .NET also represents a fundamental shift in development technology. Microsoft developer training is here to make getting up to speed on .NET easier.

The MCSD for Microsoft .NET credential is appropriate for professionals who design and develop leading-edge enterprise solutions with Microsoft development tools, technologies, platforms, and the Microsoft .NET Framework. The MCSD job role includes analyzing business and technical requirements, and defining the solution architecture, as well as the tasks typically conducted by MCADs — implementing the requirements and building, deploying, and maintaining the solution.


.NET is a set of Microsoft software technologies for connecting information, people, systems, and devices. It enables an unprecedented level of software integration through the use of XML Web services: small, discrete, building-block applications that connect to each other — as well as to other, larger applications — via the Internet. .NET connected software delivers what developers need to create XML Web services and stitch them together. The benefit to individuals is seamless, compelling experiences with information sharing.

Why .NET?

The driving force behind Microsoft .NET is a shift in focus from individual intranets, extranets, web sites, or devices toward new configurations of computers, devices, and services that all work in tandem to deliver broader, richer solutions. Microsoft .NET was created to eradicate the core problems, or technology roadblocks, of underlying software development and its use in today's techno-world for end users, businesses, developers, and IT professionals alike.

How .NET Benefits Individuals

Many users are frustrated when trying to move among Web sites, applications, and devices -- entering the same personal information over and over again and trying to remember multiple usernames and passwords. With Microsoft .NET, the user can move around an intelligent, personalized Internet, which remembers your preferences and delivers the appropriate data at the appropriate time to any smart device you choose.

Increasingly, users are worried about their privacy and security of personal information on the Web. To remedy this, Microsoft .NET begins with the assumption that the user controls his or her own information, and provides a set of services that let users manage their personal information and control access to it.

How .NET Benefits Companies

It's a common problem: a business seems hopelessly locked into a particular system or partner because it's so difficult and expensive to integrate systems. The Microsoft .NET platform's reliance on XML for data exchange — which is a completely open standard managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) — and modular XML Web services removes barriers to data sharing and software integration.

Along the same lines, businesses often assume that the adoption of new technologies will require the expensive replacement of any legacy systems they still use. Microsoft .NET products such as BizTalk Server and Host Integration Server are designed to make it simple to integrate existing assets into new .NET XML Web services and .NET experiences.

What .NET Means for Developers

Through the use of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework, Microsoft provides developers with a full set of development tools to quickly and easily create state-of-the-art applications and XML Web services.

  • Microsoft .NET, through Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework, will enable more rapid development of software applications and services.

  • The .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET will provide greater reliability for applications and XML Web services.

  • The use of XML Web services will allow applications and services created on the .NET platform to integrate more easily and efficiently.

XML Web Services

With Microsoft .NET, code is built in discrete units—XML Web services—that handle a limited set of tasks. Because standard interfaces based on XML simplify communication among software, XML Web services can be stitched together into highly specific applications and experiences. You can use the best XML Web services from around the globe to quickly and easily create a needed solution. Microsoft will provide a core set of XML Web services focused on the user, Microsoft .NET My Services, to provide functions such as user identification and calendar access.

Faster Development
  • Through the use of the common language runtime, a part of the .NET Framework, developers can create XML Web services using any modern programming language, greatly increasing the pool of available developer resources as well as allowing developers the freedom to use the programming language most suited to solve the problem at hand.

  • Visual Studio .NET largely automates the transformation of an application into an XML Web service, decreasing the time and effort necessary to quickly create and deploy solutions.

  • XML by its nature separates data from how it is displayed. Uncoupling the display characteristics from the .NET experience makes it easy to add new interface technologies, like speech and handwriting recognition, without needing to rewrite the application.

  • .NET My Services, and other .NET building block services, provides core capabilities needed by many applications—user authentication, notification capabilities, contacts list, and the like—without requiring additional coding.

Greater Reliability
  • Harnessing abundance of processing power and bandwidth currently available, the .NET platform takes advantage of the power of distributed computing. Processing occurs wherever it makes the most sense or wherever the XML Web service resides, spreading out the CPU load and reducing network traffic.

  • The common language runtime provides for a managed execution environment eliminating memory leaks, access violations, and versioning problems.

  • The .NET Framework enforces type safety, explicit code sharing, and application isolation, guaranteeing that no XML Web service can affect or illegally call another.

  • The use of XML—an open standard managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)—in Microsoft .NET removes barriers to data sharing and software integration. The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), an XML-based messaging technology standardized by the W3C, specifies all the necessary rules for locating XML Web services, integrating them into applications, and communicating between them. A common language runtime (CLR) provides a unified management environment, enabling XML Web services written in any programming language to work together. .NET also has database access capabilities, allowing developers to bring ODBC-compliant data stores into their application architecture.

  • Microsoft .NET allows IT departments to reduce internal costs and expand the capabilities they can deliver to their customers by enabling them to tap their legacy applications and data stores, and other vendors' XML Web services for expertise and outsourced services. Microsoft .NET is designed to enable aggregation of services from multiple sites and companies into valuable experiences for users.

What .NET Means for Business

By using the Internet to enable software applications to more easily work together, Microsoft® .NET promises easier integration within and between businesses, while creating opportunities to more meaningfully connect with consumers. With the tools of the .NET platform, businesses can realize improvements in the time and cost associated with developing and maintaining their business applications, as well as benefitting from empowering employees with the ability to act on vital information anywhere, from any smart device.

  • .NET will deliver best of breed integration for businesses.

  • Exposing XML Web services increases potential reach and exposure, creating new business opportunities.

  • .NET promises substantial savings in development costs, as well as creating new revenue streams, through the use of XML Web services.

Web Sites and Web Services

For businesses to truly harness the power of the Internet, Web sites must evolve. They must learn to interact with one another as well as with existing systems and applications. XML Web services represent the evolution of the Web site.


Taking the modular aspects of modern software applications and allowing them to communicate through standard Internet protocols (XML and SOAP), XML Web services offer a direct means by which business processes can interact. Applications hosted internally, as well as on remote systems, can be stitched together, allowing businesses to program the Web—quickly and economically creating specialized solutions that meet unique business needs.

Integrating Within

XML Web services offer incredible value to organizations. They present the opportunity to bridge applications and information written in different programming languages and residing on differing platforms. In this manner, applications from departments such as HR and Accounting can expose information as XML, sharing information in order to create a new benefits application.

Using the common language runtime, part of the .NET Framework, individual components of specific applications within a company can interact. For example, a new scheduling function written in COBOL can be used with an existing HR application that was written in a different computing language.

Integrating with Partners

Not only can companies more easily integrate internal applications, they can also access services offered by other businesses. By combining XML Web services exposed on the Internet, companies can program the Web to create a wide variety of value-added applications. For example, an automobile manufacturer could unify benefits, payroll, stock trading, and insurance services into a single, seamless financial management portal for its employees, or they could integrate inventory control, fulfillment mechanisms, and purchase order tracking into a comprehensive supply chain management system.

Integrating with Customers

By enabling different software programs to interact, .NET creates new and exciting possibilities. A user will be able to establish an identity and move seamlessly from one .NET experience to another. They will control their data and be able to act on it anywhere, anyplace, and at anytime. They will have more power and control over their information, as they enable applications to interact on their behalf.

A first-time car buyer could more easily shop for the latest model by allowing XML Web services that communicate location and identity to interact with the XML Web services from the auto manufacturer. Businesses that expose key business processes as XML Web services expand the customer and business interactions available while creating more personal, intelligent user experiences.

Reaching Out

Creating XML Web services and exposing them on the Internet also provides another key advantage: it greatly expands the number of customers and business partners that can come in contact with a business's services. A large automobile manufacturer could expose an XML Web service of its delivery schedules for new vehicles. In this manner, their supply chains, dealerships as well as others, can consume the information, building other systems around it. Besides creating valuable links with partners, it creates the potential for advertising services for other businesses or customers that may not have been aware of the company or service.

Rapid Development

Microsoft Visual Studio.NET and the .NET Framework, the tools of the .NET platform, empower developers to quickly and easily create cutting-edge XML Web services and applications, building on their existing skills sets. Through multi-language support, developers are freed to use the appropriate language in building XML Web services. Seamless deployment, as well as the ability to use existing XML Web services, presents substantial savings opportunities for the corporate IT department.

In addition to their technical capabilities, these developer technologies help alleviate the greatest scarcity in the world: skilled programmers. Applying rapid application development techniques to Web applications and services increases developer productivity, saving both time and money. Finally, by supporting any programming language, these tools tap the broadest developer talent pool (only about 10 percent of the world's developers know Java), take advantage of existing skills, and let people use the tool most appropriate for a specific task.

New Opportunities

With the .NET platform, corporate IT departments will share in the ability to create new and novel revenue streams. By exposing key business processes that were typically locked in internal systems, the enterprise can create a number of new and exciting opportunities to make money. For example, a tax engine created for internal use could be exposed as an XML Web service, enabling other companies to quickly and easily use the functionality, thus, providing a new revenue stream.

Empowering Employees

.NET offers the promise of allowing employees to act on the appropriate information where and when they need it. It facilitates better decisions by giving people in the field, at the office, and in between the information they need in a suitable and useful form. Important client information, once locked away in isolation on a mainframe, can more easily be accessed and acted on by a salesperson on a handheld computer across the country. A contact or appointment added to a Pocket PC by a project manager while at a job site can instantly be accessible to members of the same team scattered around the world. is your best choice for MCAD MCSD .NET, MCAD MCSD .NET training, MCAD MCSD .NET certification, MCAD MCSD .NET certification boot camp, MCAD MCSD .NET boot camp, MCAD MCSD .NET certification training, MCAD MCSD .NET boot camp training, MCAD MCSD .NET boot camp certification, MCAD MCSD .NET certification course, MCAD MCSD .NET course, training MCAD MCSD .NET, certification MCAD MCSD .NET, boot camp MCAD MCSD .NET, certification MCAD MCSD .NET boot camp, certification MCAD MCSD .NET training, boot camp MCAD MCSD .NET training, certification MCAD MCSD .NET course.

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